- This is the homepage for the course in the theory of
nuclear structure (FMFN15, FYST11) (before 2017 called FMF121) at Lund University.
- This course is intended for the students, who want to experience some application of quantum mechanics to a fascinating system of many particles such as the nucleus. It gives an
introduction to the advanced research field of theoretical nuclear physics,
in which several senior staffs at the division of mathematical physics are
- Students for this course are expected to have a knowledge of Quantum
Mechanics corresponding to the Advanced Course.
- Below we provide information and useful documents for the course.
(1) S.G. Nilsson and I. Ragnarsson: Shapes and Shells in Nuclear Structure,
Cambridge Press, 1995.
(2) I. Hamamoto, Theoretical Nuclear Structure Physics, Kompendium, Div. of
Mathematical Physics
(printouts distributed during lectures)
(3) D. J. Rowe, Nuclear Collective Motion, World Scientific, 2010