
General Information
Physics Education Mathematical Physics Department of Physics Faculty of Science Lund University


Advanced Electromagnetism
(FYSN23, NAFY020)

Credits: 7.5 hp; Teaching period: VT1

For all updated information please go to Canvas
For the current scheme, see Time Edit
Introduction meeting 18. Jan 2021 via Zoom (PhD students, who like to take the course should send an email to Andreas.Wacker@fysik.lu.se to get access)

General information

Aim of the course

The course shall provide central knowledge in advanced electrodynamics relevant for a variety of fields in physics.
It is part of the Master programme in physics

Expected previous knowledge
Elementary knowledge in electromagnetism corresponding to FYTB13

Course structure
Within the first six weeks the basic material is studied by a combination of lectures and textbook reading. This is complemented by weekly exercise sheets. In the exercise session the students shall work on the non-homework problems which are solved together. Additionally, the homework problems of the previous week are discussed if misconceptions appeared in the solutions handed in. In the last week each group shall deal with a project, which is presented in a small workshop at the end of the course.
Further Information
Kursplan för Avancerad Elektromagnetism, FYSN23

Requirements and examination


Course Literature Related Literature


Andreas Wacker, Andreas.Wacker@fysik.lu.se

Publisher: Andreas Wacker
Updated Januray 10, 2020