Lund, 22nd - 24th January 2004
Quantum Ergodicity - Basic Ideas and Recent Developments
Stefan Heusler

Semiclassical Foundation of Universality in Quantum Chaos

Stefan Heusler (Essen)

We present the semiclassical core of a proof of the so-called Bohigas-Giannoni-Schmidt-conjecture: A dynamical sytem with full classical chaos has a quantum energy spectrum with universal spectral fluctuations on the scale given by the mean level spacing. We show how in the semiclassical limit all system specific properties fade away, leaving only ergodicity, combinatorics and topology in action. We thus build bridges between classical periodic orbits and the sigma model of quantum field theory.
[1] Sebastian Müller, Stefan Heusler, Petr Braun, Fritz Haake and Alexander Altland: Semiclassical Foundation of Universality in Quantum Chaos, nlin.CD/0401021
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