Gnuplot commands

Command Result
plot [:] [:] ".." u 1:((($1>x0)&($1< x1))?
($2*50):(($1>x1)&($1< x2))?($2*500):$2)
plot different regimes differently
p '|sed "s/D/E/"' replace letters
set encoding iso_8859_1
p x w l t "\366"
print Umlaute
p x t "{/Symbol w}" (only in enhanced mode) print Greek letters
p x lt 2 lw 3 color 2, linewidth 3
"@{/=56 -} {/=24 h}"
"{/=8 @{/Symbol=24 -} _{/=14 h}}"
"{/=14 @^{/Symbol=10 -}{/=14 h}}"
different ways of producing \hbar (the third one looks the best)
set format x "%xx.xxxf" xx=total length,xxx=no. of decimal places, f=decimal,eE=exp.,xX=hex.dec,oO=octal
set label ... front print labels on, e.g. pm3d map
set samples 100 set step size when plotting analytical functions
set term post eps ... "NimbusSanL-Regu" fontfile "uhvr8a.pfb"

fontfile "/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/helvetic/uhvr8a.pfb"
fontfile "/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/urw/helvetic/uhvb8a.pfb"
embeds default gnuplot helvetica font

check with: pdffonts *.pdf